A Note from the Editor

Jai Jinendra,

Young Jains of America (YJA)
Published in
2 min readJul 16, 2021


Here we are, in 2021, celebrating 30 years of YJA. We’ve reached an inflec- tion point: YJA has finally aged out of YJA, it is no longer 14–29 years old.

Last issue, we talked about gusto. The gusto that propels our community forward, that allows us to bounce back from the effects of the ongoing pandemic, that gives us happiness. The enthusiasm that needs no subject. This organization has only come so far because of the gusto of its leaders and supporters — thank you.

This issue is a commemoration of that gusto and all that this community has accomplished together. You’ll find pieces that highlight all of YJA’s facets; this organization has been an educational vehicle, a social network, a professional resource, and an exchange for ideas, playing different roles at different times.

Wherever you are reading this from, on a table at the Derasar or online, I hope you’re able to enjoy the ideas and stories featured in this issue with others. (And maybe inspire someone else to get involved with YJA in the future!)

If you read something that sparks a question in your head, post it on YJA Reflect. If it provokes a response, email publications@yja.org and write some- thing for Young Minds. And if you’re looking for more, check out the latest on youngminds.yja.org.

Here’s to the next 30 years.

With #yjalove,

Vishwa Shah
Director of Publications, 2020–2021

This article is a part of the 30th Anniversary Edition of Young Minds. To commemorate this occasion, we’ve made this magazine available in print for a limited time only — order yours by Wed, July 21 and enjoy the refreshing joy of reading the rest of this issue in your hands, now and in the years to come.



YJA is an internationally recognized Jain youth organization built to establish a network for and among youth to share Jain heritage and values. http://yja.org